2019 - 2020
StreetMeets RC
In collaboration with the Rotman Commerce Fashion Group (RCFG), we explored downtown Toronto on our photo walk, StreetMeets RC. Students showcased their fashion and their photography skills as the group toured through Harbord Village, Chinatown, and Kensington Market. Students also had the opportunity to join the execs from both groups for coffee after the walk to learn about the groups’ internship programs and other ways to get involved with RCAG and RCFG.
Art talk
A comprehensive tour of the history, architecture, and management of 401 Richmond, this event visited the arts-and-culture hub, home to over 140 artists, cultural producers, social innovators, micro-enterprises, galleries, festivals, and shops. The tour was followed by two rounds of panel discussions with representatives from the galleries and open networking. Each panel gave an in-depth discussion of life as a creative, tips and advice for working in a creative industry, and the representatives’ personal journeys in their artistic endeavors and fields of work.
Live on StagE
Our open mic event, Live on Stage, provided an opportunity for students to showcase their talents through singing, dancing, spoken word, instrumental performances and more. Live on Stage was a collaboration with VicXposure, a Victoria College photography club, showcasing and highlighting some of the beautiful student photography shot by members of VicXposure.
With dance instructors from U of T’s Urban Dance Revolution, RCAG hosted a two hour dance workshop where students learned a full hip-hop choreography. The lesson catered to beginners and experienced dancers and gave students a chance to film their performance to share with friends.
Sweet Dreams: Paint with RCAG
A night of paint-along for beginners and seasoned artists, Sweet Dreams: Paint with RCAG was a casual event for students and Rotman Commerce alumni to create their own masterpiece with the guidance of an instructor as well as to meet new people and make meaningful connections.
RCAG’s first art exhibition opening showcased the artistic talents in our community. We received over 40 submissions, including paintings, photography, poetry, and more. During this more formal event, students had the opportunity to connect with creative industry professionals and alumni to learn about the opportunities lie in the art and entertainment industry for business students.


live on stage

Sweet Dreams: paint with rcag

art exhibition